IGN Top 25 3531 ET R - St-Gervais-Les-Bains / Massif du Mont Blanc - Resistant

Title: IGN Top 25 3531 ET R - St-Gervais-Les-Bains / Massif du Mont Blanc - Resistant

Description: Discover St-Gervais-Les-Bains and the breathtaking Massif du Mont Blanc with IGN's Top 25 3531 ET R map. Durable and reliable, this map is a must-have for any adventurer.

IGN Top 25 3531 ET R

St-Gervais-Les-Bains / Massif du Mont Blanc

Map Scale: 1:25,000

Published: 2023

The Tour de Mont Blanc is covered by this map along with

IGN 3630 OT

This map is printed double sided on Water Proof and Tear Resistant Paper.

The standard Paper version of this map is available HERE

Map Scale: 1:25,000 (2.5 inches to the mile approx)

IGN Top 25 map series selected by IGN and cover the more popular areas of France.

ET or OT = single-sided map

All maps are GPS compatible, with a 1km UTM grid plus latitude and longitude lines at 5 intervals.

Contours are at 5m intervals except for mountainous areas where the maps have contours at 10m intervals, vividly enhanced by hill shading and graphics for rocky terrain. Colouring with graphics indicates different types of vegetation or land use (deciduous or coniferous forests, moors, orchards, vineyards, etc).

Maps include an overprint highlighting waymarked walking trails including long-distance GR routes and, where appropriate, ski routes. Symbols indicate campsites, gîtes detape, refuges, equestrian centres and other recreational facilities or sites, tourist information centres, cultural heritage, etc. Towns and locations of particular interest are highlighted.

Map Legend includes English

Map coverage approx. 29 x 21 km / 18 x 13 miles.

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Isbn Number 9782758554202
Brand IGN
Condition New
Weight 0.24kg